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Historically, satellite observations of the Earth’s atmosphere, land, and oceans have been acquired via satellites operated by federal agencies and space programs. Commercial sources are increasingly available and can supply very high resolution imagery to users for a fee. Both real-time and archived data are available from the following public sources without charge.
WisconsinView provides public access to satellite imagery of Wisconsin, including MODIS and Landsat data. The Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) at the UW-Madison also maintains a variety of interfaces for viewing and accessing real-time earth observation and meteorological satellite data.
The Earth Resources Observation and Science Center (EROS) is home to the national archive of satellite imagery for the United States. The EROS Data Center provides multiple options for discovering, viewing, and downloading data. Other sites may provide options to download satellite imagery as well as derived products or other earth observation data.
Need Assistance?
If you are having trouble locating satellite imagery for Wisconsin or need further help, please contact us via e-Mail or at (608) 262-3065.