Aerial Imagery Data

While Wisconsin does not have a statewide aerial imagery program, there are several options for acquiring digital imagery (either public domain, or for a fee.)  This includes imagery developed from local, state, and federal agencies.  Typically, the highest-resolution imagery in the state is produced and distributed by local governments.


The WisconsinView Data Portal is the primary archive for statewide and regional Wisconsin aerial imagery projects, including WROC and NAIP.

City or County

Local governments, primarily counties and cities, are the main producers of high-resolution digital aerial imagery in Wisconsin. Spatial resolutions for these projects typically range from 3″ to 12″.  To access this high-resolution data, you must contact the county or city directly. (Reduced-resolution data are available on WisconsinView.) Most counties maintain free interactive mapping sites and/or map services.


The USDA National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) is the best source of leaf-on (summertime) imagery.  Currently, this program acquires new imagery every two years in the conterminous U.S. at a one-meter resolution or better.

Need Assistance?

If you are having trouble locating aerial imagery data in Wisconsin or need further help, please contact us via e-Mail or at (608) 262-3065.

Last updated: August 3, 2023