Archived Wisconsin Geospatial Jobs

GIS Specialist

Wisconsin DNR

This is an EXPIRED job listing. Do not apply for this position!

Location: Madison, WI
Type: Full Time
Posted: 08/06/2019
Deadline to Apply: 08/18/2019
Payrate: $25.47 - $33.00/hr
More Information: WiscJobs Posting

Job Summary:

This position is responsible for planning, implementing, upgrading, and supporting the development of the RR Program’s GIS mapping applications, in addition to supporting program database and records management needs. Primary responsibilities include developing and managing the RR Program’s web map application and feature services; performing advanced technical data and database design; analyzing data requirements; performing spatial data analyses; and assisting with QA/QC to support RR Program IT operations and business needs.


  • Design, develop, test, and maintain ArcGIS for Server (AGS) web services using ArcGIS Desktop and AGS tools.
  • Create detailed technical documentation of application architecture and processes to aide in application maintenance and support.
  • Serve as data custodian/steward of RR’s statewide GIS data layers by performing the following tasks: update, maintain, create, organize and grant access to statewide vector and raster datasets and metadata consistent with DNR’s GIS standards.
  • Assist with program ArcSDE and GIS data management and administration.
  • Draft project timelines develop project plans and track project development progress.
  • Acquire/develop, QA/QC, enhance, and maintain RR Program geospatial data.
  • Develop workflow models and automate routine operational geospatial data and repository maintenance and management activities, as applicable.



  • ESRI ArcSDE database structure and management
  • Performing technical geospatial data collection, processing, coordinate conversion, QA/QC, distribution, management, etc.
  • Utilizing Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) ArcGIS Desktop software, including extensions and tools (e.g., Spatial Analyst, 3D Analyst, Model Builder)


  • Experience communicating technical information to a variety of non-technical audiences (e.g. managers, other IT staff, program customers, etc.)
  • Collaborating with subject matter experts, Business Analysts, and other IT professionals to develop technical specifications for use by application developers
  • Experience with ESRI ArcGIS for Server (AGS) web map and feature service
  • Experience working in a regulatory, government, or public sector role
  • GIS experience working in a Natural Resources environment

Apply online at link included