Understanding Elevation (2.02 Mb)
Primarily targeted at geospatial professionals who want want a better understanding of elevation terminology, this Infosheet describes the differences between ellipsoid heights and elevations (orthometric heights), and the implications of the National Geodetic Survey’s GRAV-D project. (Published February 2011)
Wisconsin Coordinate Reference Systems, Second Edition (4.59 Mb)
This handbook is a technical guide and resource for those who work with geospatial information in Wisconsin. It provides a brief overview of the history, evolution, and basics of Wisconsin’s coordinate reference systems, and compiles in one place the technical specifications for systems most commonly used in the state. (Originally published April 2009, minor editions January 2012)
NGS Pubs on Vertical Datums, Leveling and Geoids
This online listing includes computing GPS-derived orthometric heights, bench mark reset procedures, and various pubs pertaining to vertical datums, leveling and geoids.
NGS Pubs on Horizontal Reference System: Datums, Networks, Coordinate Systems
This online listing includes various pubs on coordinate systems, how to contribute geodetic data to the NSRS, networks, and datums.