Wisconsin Geospatial News

Don’t Miss GIS Day

GIS Day at UW-Madison: Discover your future in GIS

GIS day 2013

Don’t miss this year’s GIS Day event! It will be held on Wednesday, November 20th on the main floor of the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery, 330 N. Orchard Street on campus from 10am to 2pm.

The event is free and open to the public with no registration required.

Keynote Speakers:

10:15 am  Greg Tracy presenting, “Uncertainty is the new black. Embrace it”

11:15 am  Liz Eversoll presenting, “Indoor Location – The Uncharted Frontier”

12:15 pm  Paul Braun presenting, “UAS and the Wild Wild West: The Emerging Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Market and its Impact on the Geospatial Industry”

1:15 pm    Ray Mandli presenting, “GIS Visualization in the 3rd Dimension”.

This year we’re putting a new spin on the event by focusing on careers in new and emerging geospatial technologies. GIS is helping our students to become better thinkers and more creative in solving both community and environmental problems. GIS is a technology tool you can learn from and grow your knowledge academically for future professions.

Between speakers, explore the various exhibits that will be stationed in the area, and network with other geospatial professionals and newcomers. Learn how this powerful technology plays a role in making our world a better place.