This 2024 Strategic Framework was developed by the staff of the State Cartographer’s Office from 2023-24. It is used as a guide to help ensure that activities of the office align to identified strategic priorities.
Survey Control Finder is a mobile-friendly web app that provides a central point of access to over 28,000 control points and over 200,000 Public Land Survey System records in Wisconsin.
The V4 Parcel Project will include the collection and aggregation of local Public Land Survey System corner data, culminating in an initial statewide PLSS database.
This study, published in the Journal of Land Use Science, examines the social, economic, geographic/biophysical, and regulatory factors underlying parcelization — the subdivision of large landholdings — in rural Wiscosnin over a period of 35 years. Results paint a unique picture of the complex interplay of historic and contemporary parcelization drivers.