Wisconsin Geospatial News

Schutzberg selects the top ten of 2003

The world of GIS continues to gain speed and so much is happening that is may be hard to keep track. So, it’s an interesting exercise to look back over a year to see what the biggest stories and trends were.

That’s just what Adena Schutzberg, editor of the GIS Monitor, has done for 2003 (and several prior years). Check out her entire annotated list from which the following thumbnails have been extracted:

1. New Technology Delivery System of the Year: Web Services

2. Most Press Coverage: Geospatial One-Stop

3. Disruptive Technology of the Year: Open Source

4. Most Mature Development Tool: Components

5. Finally in Use: OpenGIS Standards

6. Press of the Year: ESRI Press

7. On the Watch List: GISC Certification

8. Where GIS Made a Difference: Columbia Disaster

9. A Trend that Never Stops: Acquisitions

10. The Best Conferences: New England GITA; Ventura College GIS Day; and NSGIC.

Schutzberg will be the luncheon speaker at the first day of the 2004 WLIA conference on March 3 in Wisconsin Dells. See our calendar of events for details.

More information: GIS Monitor’s Top Ten of 2003