Wisconsin Geospatial News

Strategic plan for GIS in Wisconsin completed

More Information:

WLIA website

Through the coordination efforts of the Wisconsin Land Information Association (WLIA), a strategic plan for GIS in the state has been completed and posted on the WLIA website. The WLIA has also printed 500 copies for distribution to the Legislature and others who wish to know about GIS issues in the state.

Entitled, “Wisconsin Location Matters: A Statewide Geographic Information Strategy”, the 23-page plan promotes an understanding of GIS, why it is important, and maps a path to the future. Essentially, the plan presents a vision for improving the delivery of geographic information services throughout the state by identifying five goals and associated strategies. The five goals are: improving coordination, establishing a robust data framework, building geographic information services, obtaining continuing funding, and promoting education and awareness.

Throughout 2007, the WLIA will be promoting the plan and implementation of the plan’s strategies to the Wisconsin Legislature, the Governor, professional associations and citizens with an interest in geographic information.