Topographic Maps

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) produces 1:100,000-scale county maps for each of the 72 counties in Wisconsin. These maps show topographic features including contours and elevation in meters, highways, roads and other manmade structures, water features, woodland areas, and geographic names. These maps vary in size depending on the particular county. USGS county maps in Wisconsin were generally produced between 1976 and 1990.

Lake and Lake Depth Maps

Where to find the “best” lake map is a common question we receive each spring as fishing season approaches. Start here for more information on lake and lake depth (bathymetric) maps.

School District Boundary Maps

One of the more common questions we get at the SCO is “Where do I find ‘the’ school district map of Wisconsin?” The reality is the majority of the 426 school districts in the state don’t have a detailed, up-to-date map showing their exact boundaries in a digital format. They typically maintain the location of their school district boundaries using hard copy maps and/or some other format the district deems appropriate.

ATV Trail Maps

Wisconsin has over 1,800 miles of All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) trails and intensive use areas available during the Spring, Summer, and Fall seasons. That number jumps to over 4,200 miles of ATV trails during the Winter season in Wisconsin. The best source of information on ATV trails often comes from local ATV clubs and outfitters.

Bicycle Trail Maps

Tags: Bicycle, Maps Quick Links Wisconsin Division of Tourism Maps and Guides (scroll down to find the biking guide) Wisconsin Bicycle Map County Bike Maps With over 108,000 miles of roads, Wisconsin has abundant on and off-road biking resources while Wisconsin’s nationally acclaimed “rails to trails” biking network offers smooth riding and scenic views. Wisconsin Department…

Platbooks and Land Ownership Maps

Plat books make use of the Public Land Survey System to represent land ownership patterns on a county-by-county basis. They are a convenient reference for local governments, private realty, surveying companies, and the general public. Commercial plat books for Wisconsin are generally prepared by private map publishing companies in conjunction with county governments. However, many Wisconsin counties have begun to produce and update the maps themselves.

Aerial Photography

An aerial photograph is a picture of the Earth’s surface taken with a specialized camera mounted in an airplane. Start with this page to learn more about how to find aerial photography in Wisconsin.

Find Maps

While the SCO is not a map production facility and we do not sell maps, one of our missions is the help Wisconsin citizens locate maps and geographic information.   This page provides guidance on the most common requests we receive.

Learning Center

We answer hundreds of technical mapping-related questions every year from both the general public and geospatial professionals. This page provides more information on some of the most common questions we receive from map and GIS users.

Press Release: Updated US Topo maps for Wisconsin add Census Bureau road data

The USGS National Geospatial Program is excited to announce the inclusion of U.S. Census Bureau’s Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER) roads data for the new US Topo maps, starting with the state of Wisconsin.