Wisconsin Geospatial News

Are you on the list?

For years, the Wisconsin Department of Administration has maintained a statewide e-mail list service called “lio-tech.”  Aimed at providing a means of communication among participants in the Wisconsin Land Information Program (WLIP), the WLIP “technical assistance” list has morphed into the de facto statewide, general-purpose geospatial mailing list.

As I thought about it, I realized that I couldn’t remember how I was added to the list a few years ago, nor could I figure out the proper procedure for a person to subscribe. Thanks to Mike Friis at DOA for pointing me to the subscription page:


Last time I checked, there were about 200 people on the list, from all levels of government and private industry. Topics vary quite a bit, but some recent examples of questions posed to the list: “best” source of acreages for plat books (deeds vs. GIS-computed), titles and wage scales for GIS positions, and orthophoto funding strategies. 

Lio-tech is a great way to bounce questions off your colleagues around the state.  Are you on the list?