Wisconsin Geospatial News

U.S. National Grid expert to speak at WLIA

Talbot Brooks, Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Geospatial Information Technologies at Delta State University, and the country’s foremost expert on the U.S. National Grid, is conducting a day-long workshop at the WLIA Annual Conference in Appleton, WI on February 24,  2010.

The USNG provides a grid reference system that is seamless across jurisdictional boundaries, and provides the foundation for a universal map index.  It also enables user-friendly position referencing on appropriately gridded paper and digital maps, with Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers, and Web map portals.  The U.S. National Grid (USNG) may be the only unambiguous way to describe locations when the end-user is operating either in an area away from the established road network, or in an area impacted by a natural disaster where road signs have been destroyed. 

During the hands-on workshop, participants will learn what the USNG is, and why it is important. Participants will learn to use the USNG and how to produce products with common GIS software.

For more information about the training, contact Chris Diller at (608) 242-3626 or Dick Vraga at (608) 821-3896. You can register for the workshop or the WLIA Annual Conference by visiting the WLIA conference program, or contact Ann Barrett at (800) 344-0421.