Wisconsin Geospatial News

SCO bids farewell to Codie See

As some of you already know, the SCO is losing a beloved and talented staff member, Codie See. Codie is leaving Wisconsin and heading with his family to the big island of Hawaii. His last day is June 13.

Codie See

We hired Codie in 2013 to lead the Enhanced Broadband Mapping Project, which was funded by the Public Service Commission to create the first statewide address point database for Wisconsin. Following that project Codie transitioned to the Statewide Parcel Database Project funded by the Department of Administration. Over the years Codie has been involved in every update of the parcel project through the current “V5” iteration.

In 2018 Codie moved into a permanent role responsible for maintaining internal and external SCO web applications and mentoring SCO student assistants. With student help Codie has led the design/redesign of almost every major SCO web application, including the Statewide Parcel Map Viewer, Pronounce Wisconsin, Survey Control Finder, Wisconsin Bearing Trees, and the Coastal Bordner Survey Explorer.

Before coming to the SCO Codie worked for Mapping Specialists, a Madison cartography firm. He is an alumnus of the UW-Madison Geography Department, graduating in 2007 with a double major in Cartography/GIS and Human Geography.

Codie will be sorely missed by all of us in the SCO, the students he has worked with, and his colleagues in the Geography Department and state government. He possesses a rare combination of attributes — an outstanding technical skillset, a strong work ethic, and a mild-mannered temperament — that make him not only highly effective in the workplace but also a great person to work with.

We’ll miss you, Codie. We wish you and your family all the best!