Wisconsin Geospatial News

2005 SAIC/Estes Memorial Teaching Award announced

Every year the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) give the SAIC/Estes Memorial Teaching Award to recognize individual achievement in the promotion of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) technology and applications through educational efforts.

The 2005 winner is Dr. Thomas M. Lillesand, Director of the Environmental Remote Sensing Center (ERSC) and Chair of the Environmental Monitoring Graduate Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is being awarded for over 30 years of excellence in teaching remote sensing, mentoring graduate students, and being the lead author of one of the most widely used remote sensing textbooks in the world, Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, 5th edition.

The Award will be presented in March at the ASPRS 2005 Annual Conference in Baltimore, Maryland with funding provided by Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) and consists of a presentation plaque and a cash award of $2,000.

More information: ASPRS Online
