Wisconsin Geospatial News

National Spatial Reference System Modernization Now Set for Mid-2025

At a virtual workshop on June 9, 2022, the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) provided an update on its plans and schedule for modernization of the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS). The workshop — entitled, “It’s 2022 – Are You Done Yet?” — is available here.  The presenter was Dru Smith, NGS’s NSRS Modernization Manager.

As noted in earlier SCO articles here and here, there have been several delays announced by NGS already. In the June 9 workshop, Smith announced that NGS anticipates the release of all data (e.g., datums and reference frames) by the middle of 2025. Limited tools to manage and work with these data will also be available at that time.

The slide below, from Smith’s talk, gives additional detail.