Legislation targeting comprehensive planning may have unintended consequences for the WLIP

Politics associated with the longstanding and sometimes controversial “smart growth” initiative in Wisconsin may once again threaten to remove $2 million from the Wisconsin Land Information Program (WLIP).

Wisconsin Land Information Council members appointed

The Secretary of the Department of Administration has appointed members to the Wisconsin Land Information Council.

WIGICC dissolves

Today WIGICC passed a resolution to dissolve the Council.

Giglierano takes over as Geographic Information Officer

Jim previously worked at the Iowa Geological and Water Survey, and most recently at Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.

WIGICC proposes dissolution

A proposal for the dissolution of WIGICC.

Version 1 statewide parcel database completed

The Version 1 statewide parcel database — containing over 3 million parcels with their attributes — has been completed. The database is accompanied by an interim report that summarizes the “V1” project and makes recommendations for strategic funding of improvements to the parcel layer.

New Wisconsin Land Information Council formed

A new advisory council is being formed to advise on matters related to the Wisconsin Land Information Program.

New Wisconsin Geographic Information Officer announced

The Wisconsin Department of Administration has announced that Jim Giglierano will be the state’s new Geographic Information Officer.

Comment now on draft 2015 Uniform Instructions for Land Information Plans

The Wisconsin Department of Administration seeks your comments on the guidelines used by counties to prepare land information plans for the Wisconsin Land Information Program.

2014 WLIP Report published

The Department of Administration has announced the publication of the 2014 WLIP Report.