2013 NAIP flights starting soon in Wisconsin

After some initial uncertainty due to the federal budget situation, imagery acquisitions for the National Agriculture Imagery Program are scheduled to begin in Wisconsin during the third week of June and run through the end of August.

WROC Webinars now online

Wisconsin Regional Orthophoto Consortium marching forward towards 2015.

WROC Webinars on tap for May 8th

Choose from one of two online sessions to learn more about the status and future plans for the Wisconsin Regional Orthophotography Consortium.

WROC announces service providers for 2015

The team of AeroMetric and Ayres Associates is once again selected to provide services for the 2015 Wisconsin Regional Orthophotography Consortium.

Imagery roadshow complete, Webinars up next

We had a lot of great discussions at our imagery user meetings held last week at several locations around the state.  If you couldn’t make one of the meetings, there are still plenty of opportunities to get involved in the Wisconsin Aerial Imagery Business Plan project.

RSVP now for aerial imagery user meetings

Join us at one of five meetings next week to help shape the future aerial imagery in Wisconsin!

Dates set for imagery user meetings

Join us at one of five locations from September 24-28 to discuss the future of aerial imagery in Wisconsin.

SCO aerial photography user survey now available

Help us complete the first major step in developing a statewide aerial imagery business plan.

Ayres receives award for WROC

A belated congratulations is due to Ayres Associates for taking home a “Best of State” Engineering Excellence award from the American Council of Engineering Companies of Wisconsin.

Project to develop Wisconsin orthophotography business plan moving forward

New SCO-led project seeks to gather input from the Wisconsin geospatial community on past orthoimagery projects, and develop a business plan that makes incremental improvements to the current situation.