Items related to aircraft-acquired digital photography. This includes both orthoimagery and oblique imagery.
2004 color aerial photography now available for 34 Wisconsin counties
Wisconsin’s citizens will soon have access to satellite images under a new cooperative initiative.
FSA flies majority of state in color leaf-on imagery.
An unprecedented number of ortho projects were flown this spring. Vendors are working to hard to have imagery ready later this year.
Planes are in the air now for the USDA National Aerial Imagery Program (NAIP). The summer “leaf-on” color imagery will have a one meter spatial resolution.
Digital orthophoto quality assessment workshop is tentatively scheduled for October in La Crosse.
A small committee is exploring the possibility of holding a digital orthophoto quality assessment workshop later this year.
Over the past decade digital aerial images have become the basemap de rigueur for a geographic information system (GIS).